Hard Imagination invites Venture Capitalists to see a world beyond an extractive mindset, to create pathways for capital allocation that are not self-terminating Limited run of 23 bound copies or download the PDF for free
In late 2022, a handful of artists, scientists, movement builders, musicians, and democratic innovators came together to explore making a future based on care and freedom. The process we've called Hard Art began. This series shows how it all started, the frameworks we're using to collaborate, and how it's going.
### A book of 100 portraits of and by Hard Artists, each drawn without looking – and coloured in by Ian Bruce (who was). It is raising funds for the Hard Art kitty so we can cause better mischief.
### We are a cultural collective of artists, activists, and scientists standing in solidarity in the face of climate and democratic collapse. We’re starting a new creative movement. Join us.
### The Fête of Britain: four days of joyous celebration of the imagination... and what we can collectively achieve when we decide to replace competition with collaboration. Curated by Hard Art at Aviva Studios in Manchester. It’s the opening salvo for a new movement. Hit Support below to join us!
By Charlie Waterhouse and 5 others
### Nine women, from graduates to grandmothers, were found not guilty for taking nonviolent direct action with Extinction Rebellion at the headquarters of one of the world’s biggest investors in fossil fuels, HSBC. [Main image: Sarah Cresswell]